Accountable Institutions and Behavior
National Science Foundation
The Accountable Institutions and Behavior (AIB) Program supports basicscientific research that advances knowledge and understanding of issues broadly related to attitudes, behavior, and institutions connected to public policy and the provision of public services.Research proposals are expected to be theoretically motivated, conceptually precise, methodologically rigorous, and empirically oriented. Substantive areas include (but are not limited to) the study of individual and group decision-making, political institutions (appointed or elected), attitude and preference formation and expression, electoral processes and voting, public administration, and public policy. This work can focus on a single case or can be done in a comparative context, either over time or cross-sectionally.The Program does not fund applied research.The Program also supports research experiences for undergraduate students and infrastructural activities, including methodological innovations.In addition, we encourage you to examine the websites for the National Science Foundation’s Law and Science(LS) and Security and Preparedness (SAP) programs.