NIH Brain Development Cohorts (NBDC) Biospecimen Access (X01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

National Institutes of Health

05 May 2026
For profit
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
Public sector
R&D and Higher Education
Education, Skills Building and Training Energy, Climate and Environment Health, Justice and Social Welfare
Research, Development and Innovation Natural Sciences

The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study is the largest longitudinal study of brain development and child health collecting data from more than 11,000 children across the U.S. beginning when they are 9-10 years old and continuing for a decade. In addition to behavioral assessments, youth undergo neuroimaging and provide biospecimens, including saliva for hormone analysis, urine and hair for substance use and exposure, deciduous teeth for environmental exposure, and blood for genetic analysis and metabolic and hematologic assays. This initiative allows investigators to apply for access to biological samples from the ABCD Study. More information about the ABCD Study may be found on the ABCD Study website (www.abcdstudy.org). Information about this resource can be found on the NIDA funding opportunities page at https://nida.nih.gov/funding/nida-funding-opportunities/nih-brain-development-cohorts-biospecimen-access-program.


Other Eligible Applicants include the following: Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AANAPISISs); Eligible Agencies of the Federal Government; Faith-based or Community-based Organizations; Hispanic-serving Institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs); Indian/Native American Tribal Governments (Other than Federally Recognized); Non-domestic (non-U.S.) Entities (Foreign Organizations); Regional Organizations; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs) ; U.S. Territory or Possession.

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All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
14 August 2023