NHLBI TOPMed: Omics Phenotypes of Heart, Lung, and Blood Disorders (X01 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
National Institutes of Health
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites applications to use the NHLBI-funded TransOmics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) program to generate a large volume of integrated genetic and multi-omics data to facilitate discovery of the molecular mechanisms of heart, lung, blood, and sleep (HLBS) disorders. The overall goal is to transition the program from genetic Map to Mechanism (M2) and to fill knowledge gaps that have not been sufficiently covered by existing TOPMed datasets. No funding will be provided under this FOA. The omics and related phenotypic data will be deposited in a public NIH-designated controlled-access database such as the database for Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP) and NHLBIs BioData Catalyst (BDC).
Other Eligible Applicants include the following: Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AANAPISISs); Eligible Agencies of the Federal Government; Faith-based or Community-based Organizations; Hispanic-serving Institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs); Indian/Native American Tribal Governments (Other than Federally Recognized); Non-domestic (non-U.S.) Entities (Foreign Organizations); Regional Organizations; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs) ; U.S. Territory or Possession.