Multidisciplinary Studies of HIV/AIDS and Aging (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
National Institutes of Health
This FOA encourages applications at the intersection of HIV and aging by addressing two overarching objectives: 1) to improve understanding of biological, clinical, and socio-behavioral aspects of aging through the lens of HIV infection and its treatment; and 2) to improve approaches for testing, prevention, and treatment of HIV infection, and management of HIV-related comorbidities, co-infections, and complications in different populations and cultural settings by applying our current understanding of aging science. Applications appropriate to this FOA should be consistent with the scientific priorities outlined by the NIH Office of AIDS Research (OAR) as described in NOT-OD-20-018.
Other Eligible Applicants include the following: Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AANAPISISs); Eligible Agencies of the Federal Government; Faith-based or Community-based Organizations; Hispanic-serving Institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs); Indian/Native American Tribal Governments (Other than Federally Recognized); Non-domestic (non-U.S.) Entities (Foreign Organizations); Regional Organizations; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs) ; U.S. Territory or Possession.