Mechanistic Studies to Investigate the Interrelationship Between Sleep and/or Circadian Rhythms and Substance Use Disorders (R01 Basic Experimental …
National Institutes of Health
The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to support basic science experimental studies involving humans that expand our knowledge of theinterrelationships between sleep/circadian rhythms and substance use disorders (SUDs). These mechanistic studies will offer insights into the fundamental processes that link SUDs to disorders of sleep/circadian rhythm and vice-versa, and may also have implications for managing risks associated with developing SUDs and/or identifying new targets for prevention and therapeutics.
Other Eligible Applicants include the following: Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AANAPISISs); Eligible Agencies of the Federal Government; Faith-based or Community-based Organizations; Hispanic-serving Institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs); Indian/Native American Tribal Governments (Other than Federally Recognized); Non-domestic (non-U.S.) Entities (Foreign Organizations); Regional Organizations; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs) ; U.S. Territory or Possession.