National Institute of Standards and Technology Center for Neutron Research (NCNR) Comprehensive Cooperative Agreement Program

National Institute of Standards and Technology

15 May 2023
Research, Development and Innovation

The NIST Center for Neutron Research is seeking competitive applications from eligible applicants for activities that will advance the research of NCNR users and NIST scientists by: (i) operating neutron instrumentation at the NCNR; (ii) developing new neutron instrumentation and measurement capabilities at the NCNR; (iii) conducting collaborative research with NIST scientists and visiting researchers at the NCNR; (iv) broadly disseminating the results from neutron research and the development of new neutron measurement technologies to the scientific community; (v) research on neutron delivery systems, such as cold sources, beams and guides, nuclear reactor core analysis, optimization, and methodologies to support novel neutron source concepts; and (vi) undertaking education and outreach activities that promote the use of neutrons by academic and industrial scientists and that contribute to the development of the next generation of neutron scientists.


Eligibility for the program listed in this NOFO is open to all non-Federal entities. Eligible applicants include accredited institutions of higher education; non-profit organizations; for-profit organizations incorporated in the United States; state, local, territorial, and Indian tribal governments; foreign public entities; and foreign organizations. Please note that individuals and unincorporated sole proprietors are not considered “non-Federal entities” and are not eligible to apply under this NOFO. Although Federal entities are not eligible to receive funding under this NOFO, they may participate as unfunded collaborators.

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All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
30 April 2023