NIJ FY 2023 Invited to Apply - Research and Evaluation on Violent Crime and Crime and Firearm Violence in the Community
National Institute of Justice
OJP is committed to advancing work that promotes civil rights and racial equity, increases access to justice, supports crime victims and individuals impacted by the justice system, strengthens community safety and protects the public from crime and evolving threats, and builds trust between law enforcement and the community. With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for rigorous research and evaluation projects to advance our understanding of intentional, interpersonal community-based violence, including firearm violence, and produce evidence about policies and programs that aim to prevent and reduce violence in the community. Specifically, NIJ seeks to fund proposals for: 1) research projects to advance understanding of community violence, including firearm violence, and 2) evaluation of community violence intervention and prevention programs, policies, legislation, and practices to include those targeted at firearm violence. This solicitation furthers the Department's mission by supporting the development of new knowledge and tools to create a comprehensive strategy for reducing violent crime. It further supports the DOJ Comprehensive Strategy for Reducing Violent Crime. Statutory Authority: Department of Justice Appropriations Act, 2022, Public Law 117-103, 136 Stat. 49, 132-133; 28 USC 530C.
Only the applicants that received an official invitation letter from NIJ are able and eligible to apply. Please refer to that letter for the eligibility requirements.