Networking and Professional Forum of State Correctional Directors of Training and of Human Resources
National Institute of Corrections
The positions of Correctional Directors of Training and Directors of Human Resources represents the agency response and success in recruitment, hiring and training. Both components continually seek to improve the effectiveness of its agency through professional, collaborative and mission driven experiences.
These positions are key decision makers in corrections. The impact of their decisions can be deep and far reaching. Never before has the need to address emerging issues and persistent problems been so essential. Nationally, the staff vacancy rates are at an all-time high. The last two years of managing the COVID19 virus has required adapting o new methods and techniques to aspect to hire and train and retain staff. Corrections continues to transform with evolving trends in populations and management priorities continuously affecting the workforce.
NIC invites applications from nonprofit organizations (including faith-based, community, and tribal organizations), for-profit organizations (including tribal for-profit organizations), and institutions of higher education (including tribal institutions of higher education). Recipients, including for-profit organizations, must agree to waive any profit or fee for services. Foreign governments, international organizations, and non-governmental international organizations/institutions are not eligible to apply. Proof of 501(c) (3) status as determined by the Internal Revenue Service or an authorizing tribal resolution is required.