NEA Grants for Arts Projects 1, FY2024
National Endowment for the Arts
The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) is proud to support the nation’s arts sector with grant opportunities so that together we can help everyone live more artful lives. The arts contribute to our individual well-being, the well-being of our communities, and to our local economies. The arts are also crucial to helping us make sense of our circumstances from different perspectives as we emerge from the pandemic and plan for the future. Grants for Arts Projects is our largest grants program for organizations, providing comprehensive and expansive funding opportunities for communities. Through project-based funding, the program supports opportunities for public engagement with the arts and arts education, for the integration of the arts with strategies promoting the health and well-being of people and communities, and for the improvement of overall capacity and capabilities within the arts sector. We welcome applications from a variety of eligible organizations, including first-time applicants; from organizations serving communities of all sizes, including rural and urban areas; and from organizations with small, medium, or large operating budgets. An organization may submit only one application under these FY2024 Grants for Arts Projects guidelines. The National Endowment for the Arts’ support of a project may start on or after January 1, 2024. Generally, a period of performance of up to two years is allowed. If an organization applies to the Challenge America category, it may not also apply to the Grants for Arts Projects category.