Institutes for Historical Editing.
National Archives and Records Administration
The National Historical Publications and Records Commission seeks proposals to advance inclusive participation, training, education, dialog, and collaborative exchange amongst a diverse and growing community of academic and non-academic practitioners in the editing and publishing of historical records, including the related practices of digital scholarly editing, digital ethnic studies, digital history, and digital humanities. Applicants in this funding category must adhere to the following goals and objectives: ? Core Values: Project plans (including staffing model and planned activities) must demonstrate a commitment to fostering an inclusive, respectful, and welcoming environment, and upholding core values of collaboration, experimentation, co-creation, innovation, creativity, and diversity in all forms—practitioner, profession, practice, perspective, and method. ? Technical and Institutional Infrastructure: Must be committed to creating and sustaining an open and accessible online platform that can serve multiple purposes, including but not limited to hosting pertinent educational content, courses, discussions, and other resources and information. ? Staffing Model and Programming: Plans must include an appropriate staffing model suited to organizing and hosting a suite of regular programming that advances diverse practitioner community conversations, and provides networking opportunities, workshops, and other professional development activities. ? Promotion and Outreach: Promotional plans and outreach activities must demonstrate an ongoing commitment to engaging, listening to, and supporting a diverse and inclusive community of academic and non-academic practitioners. ? Collaboration: Plans must include a diverse and collaborative team of core faculty and staff (including but not limited to scholar-editors, digital archivists, digital scholars, and/or data curators, as well as communications and technical support staff, as appropriate) who are knowledgeable in the practices and workflows associated with collecting, describing, preserving, compiling, transcribing, contextualizing, annotating, editing, encoding, and publishing historical records and other documentary source materials. We strongly encourage collaborative teams that include racially and ethnically diverse faculty and staff in key positions, and that include editorial, archival, and technical staff at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic-Serving Institutions, Tribal Colleges, and/or other Indigenous and Native American tribal scholars and community members, and members of the Asian American community. Applicants are likewise encouraged to seek the input of community members as well as undergraduate and graduate students who may contribute to (and benefit from) participation in all phases of the project. For a comprehensive list of Commission's limitations on funding, please see What We Do and Do Not Fund. Applications that consist entirely of ineligible activities will not be considered. Award Information A grant is for one to three years and for up to $150,000 per year. The Commission expects to make one grant in this category for a total of up to $450,000. The grant will begin no earlier than July 1, 2023. The Commission requires that grant recipients acknowledge NHPRC grant assistance in all publications, publicity, and other products that result from its support. Eligibility ? U.S. nonprofit organizations or institutions ? U.S. colleges, universities, and other academic institutions ? State or local government agencies ? Federally-recognized or -acknowledged or state-recognized Native American tribes or groups In order to ensure eligibility, applicants should first review the rules and regulations governing NHPRC grants under the Administering an NHPRC Grant section. This program does not support requests from individuals for their own training, education, or professional advancement. Such requests will be ineligible. Cost Sharing The Commission may support up to the entire direct costs of the project, not including program revenue. Cost sharing, while not a requirement in this funding category, may include the program revenue, grantee's indirect costs, as well as any additional direct costs borne by the applicant. NHPRC grant recipients are not permitted to use grant funds for indirect costs (as indicated in 2 CFR 2600.101). Other Requirements Applicant organizations must be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) prior to submitting an application, maintain SAM registration throughout the application and award process, and include a valid Unique Entity ID (UEI) in their application. To register or request a UEI, go to Already manage an entity that does business with the federal government? You may want to consult this article on the transition from DUNS to the Unique Entity ID.