National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program - Opportunities in NASA STEM FY 2020 – 2024
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
This Cooperative Agreement Notice is a multi-year award thataims to contribute to NASA’s mission, Office of STEM Education priorities,Co-STEM goals, Mission Directorate collaborations, and state based needs. The multi-year award will be available to allSpace Grant Consortia who will work with the Office of STEM Engagement tofulfill these objectives. Through thecombined efforts of the Space Grant Consortia, this program will 1) enablecontributions to NASA’s work, 2) build a diverse, skilled future workforce, and3) strengthen understanding of STEM through powerful connections to NASA. The program will focus on providingopportunities for students to engage with NASA’s aeronautics, space, andscience people, content, and facilities in support of a diverse future NASA andaerospace industry workforce, as well as, providingopportunities for students to contribute to NASA’s aeronautics, space, andscience missions and work in exploration and discovery through MissionDirectorate collaborations.
Everyinstitution that intends to submit a proposal to this NRA, including theproposed prime award or any partner whether an education institution, and otherorganizations that will serve as sub-awardees or contractors, must be registered in NSPIRES . Electronicsubmission of proposals is required by the due date and must be submitted byan authorized official of the proposing organization . Such registrationmust identify the authorized organizational representative(s) who will submitthe electronic proposal. All principal investigators and other participants(e.g. co-investigators) must be registered in NSPIRES regardless of submissionsystem . Potential proposers and proposing organizations are urged to accessthe system(s) well in advance of the proposal due date(s) of interest tofamiliarize themselves with its structure and enter the requested information.Electronic proposals may be submitted via the NASA proposal data systemNSPIRES. Additional programmatic information for this NRAmay develop before the proposal due date. If so, such information will be addedas a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) or formal amendment to this NRA and postedon . It is the proposer’s responsibility to regularly check NSPIRESfor updates to this NRA.
P oint of Contact
Name: Erica J. Alston
Title: Deputy Space GrantProgram Manager
Phone: 757-864-7247
Space Grant Lead Institutions as defined here: