Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute Cooperative Agreement Notice (SSERVI CAN-4)

NASA Headquarters

15 December 2022
United States of America
Research, Development and Innovation

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Science Mission Directorate (SMD) and Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate (ESDMD) have released the final text of the fourth Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI) Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN-4) as NNH22ZDA020C , which was previously released as draft. No substantive content changes were made between the draft and final versions, but proposers should read the final version carefully and refer to the FAQ that will be posted on the NSPIRES page for this solicitation, which describes some of the changes that were made.

A two-step process will be used for proposal submission, in which only proposers that submit a Step-1 proposal will be eligible to submit a Step-2 proposal. Step-1 proposals are due October 18, 2022, and Step-2 proposals are due December 15, 2022.

SSERVI CAN-4 NNH22ZDA020C invites the submission of multi-institutional team-based proposals for research as participating members of the Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI). Proposals must clearly articulate an innovative research program addressing basic and/or applied research fundamental to understanding the nature of the Moon and its near space environment to enable future human and/or robotic exploration of the Moon with Artemis and CLPS. In addition, proposals that focus on developing the sample science community, especially studying lunar samples, are of particular interest. “Mars forward” proposals that use lunar focused research to develop approaches to Mars exploration also are welcome.

Proposal review, selection, and award will be implemented according to the guidelines set forth in Sections 5.0 and 6.0 of the funding announcement. Proposed research that complements current CAN-3 Institute Teams, and/or addresses important research areas not currently covered in the Institute will be given strong consideration (see: http://sservi.nasa.gov/sserviteams/ ). Section 4.0 “Application and Submission Information” provides important information regarding restrictions and deadlines for Principal Investigator and other key personnel changes and other key date placeholders.

Clarification questions regarding this solicitation should be submitted via email no later than 14 calendar days prior to the Step-2 proposal due date to HQ-SSERVI@mail.nasa.gov . Depending on the nature of the question(s), NASA may respond on an individual basis by email or may post questions and answers (Q&A) no later than 10 days before the Step-2 deadline on the final SSERVI CAN-4 NSPIRES landing page. Posted Q&As are intended to address inquiries of broader interest and general clarification and will be edited to preserve the anonymity of persons and institutions who submit questions.


Proposers must be affiliated with an institution at nspires.nasaprs.com/ and, in general, NASA provides funding only to US institutions. Organizations outside the U.S. that propose on the basis of a policy of no-exchange-of-funds; consult the Guidebook for Proposers (https://www.nasa.gov/offices/ocfo/gpc/regulations_and_guidance) for specific details. Some NRAs may be issued jointly with a non-U.S. organization, e.g., those concerning guest observing programs for jointly sponsored space science programs, that will contain additional special guidelines for non-U.S. participants. Also reference the Guidebook for Proposers for special instructions for proposals from non-U.S. organizations that involve U.S. personnel for whom NASA support is requested.

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All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023