Large Strategic Grants
Milton Keynes Community Foundation
A programme for larger grants which will be delivered over more than one financial year, up to a maximum of three years.
Projects must make a Strategic Impact on the work of the organisation or its beneficiaries. Expression of Interest is required in the first instance through a pre-application meeting and only shortlisted projects are invited to submit a full application.
Organisations must have a history of managing significant or equivalent levels of grant funding. As there are limited funds available to accommodate awards of this size, additional criteria to the general grants Eligibility Criteria (see Appendix 1) are applicable in this round and will be detailed on the website at programme launch.
Applications are recommended by an external Grants Committee, and subject to approval by the Board of Trustees.
Who we can fund:
We can accept applications from constituted, not-for-profit organisations supporting beneficiaries from Milton Keynes, including, but not limited to, the following:
• Local community groups • Voluntary Sector Organisations • Registered Charities • Charitable Incorporated Organisations • Social Enterprises (for start up costs only and in exceptional circumstances in discussion and at the discretion of the Philanthropy Team and final agreement by Philanthropy Director) Must include evidence that Directors are not be paid above a level that would make the provision of grant funding inappropriate, and must have a management committee who provide oversight and strategic guidance, comprised of at least four unpaid, unrelated members, not living at a shared address, to apply. There must be clear, evidenced community benefit. • Sports Clubs • Faith groups where the primary activities to be delivered at the site are community-focussed and not for the promotion of religion, and where potential beneficiaries are not required to participate in religious activities, nor excluded on the basis of faith, religion, or lack thereof, or any other protected characteristics as defined in the Equality Act 2010; • Community Interest Companies and Companies Limited by Guarantee (for start up costs only and in exceptional circumstances in discussion and at the discretion of the Philanthropy Team and final agreement by Philanthropy Director) Must include evidence that Directors are not be paid above a level that would make the provision of grant funding inappropriate, and must have a management committee who provide oversight and strategic guidance, Page 5 of 8 comprised of at least four unpaid, unrelated members, not living at a shared address, to apply. There must be clear, evidenced community benefit.
Who we cannot fund:
• Individuals (outside of our bursary and prize programmes, or specific disaster emergency funding) • For-profit organisations • Political parties or affiliated groups • Organisations with free reserves equivalent or greater than 12 months’ turnover, except in exceptional circumstances. Organisations with over 6 months’ free reserves should be prepared to explain why they need to hold this level. (“Free reserves” does not include designated or earmarked reserves as stated in Annual Report). • Groups who do not supply the following documentation: o A governing document that details an appropriate asset lock and that details that the organisation is not for profit o Financial records for a minimum of 1 year. The type required will depend on the size and structure of the organisation. For organisations that have existed for under a year, a bank statement will suffice. o A bank statement in the organisation’s name, for an account with at least two unrelated signatories. o Equal Opportunities policy covering 9 protected characteristics as outlined in the equalities act. o Child and Adult Safeguarding Policies with details of the local lead person (including Vulnerable Adult Policy, if applicable) o Evidence of expected cost such as quotes when requested by the assessor Sufficiency of documentation provided is determined during assessment and organisations submitting documentation that does not meet required standards may be withdrawn from our programmes, at the discretion of the Philanthropy and Executive Teams.