medica mondiale’s Grant

medica mondiale

Rolling deadline
€10,000 - €15,000
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
Health, Justice and Social Welfare

medica mondiale’s Grants Programme funds women-led organisations in war and conflict zones. medica mondiale provides support to women’s organisations working at the local, regional or national level to protect and promote the rights of women and girls affected by sexualised and gender based violence.

What do we fund? The focal regions of the Grants Programme are:

  • Southeastern Europe
  • the African Great Lakes Region
  • Iraq, with a specific focus on Central Iraq
  • Westafrica

Please check our website regularly for open calls.

Calls are published right here on our website and have a specific regional and thematic focus.

Grants range in size (depending on the call) from EURO 10.000 to EURO 15.000 per year. Only one grant per year will be given to any organisation.


Organisations must fulfil the following criteria:

  • directed and led by women
  • having as primary mission the protection and promotion of women’s rights with these goals clearly reflected in their work
  • working on issues directly related to medica mondiale’s theme: combating and preventing sexualized and gender based violence against women in war and conflict zones.
  • supporting women and girls regardless of ethnicity, religion, political belief, sexual orientation, social status, or age.
  • working for social structural change to end violence against women.
  • actively include the perspectives of the women and girls they support.
  • working in collaboration with others in the human and women’s rights movement.
  • formally registered as non-governmental and non-profit organisations.

medica mondiale does not fund individuals, scholarships, organisations founded or led by government entities or political parties.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023