Manchester Guardian Society Charitable Trust Grant

Manchester Guardian Society Charitable Trust

Rolling deadline
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
North West
Employment Health, Justice and Social Welfare

The Trust was created by deed in June 1984 and is a grant making charity which makes donations to a wide range of charities and other community organisations which provide charitable benefits for communities within Greater Manchester.

In particular, it seeks to support organisations for young people, provision for the sick, the disabled, the elderly and disadvantaged, support for educational initiatives by Arts organisations and support for community groups.

The Trust Fund itself is invested in perpetuity for charitable purposes as the Trustees in their absolute discretion shall see fit.

It welcomes applications from groups within Greater Manchester, for the benefit of residents of Greater Manchester

All applications should be sent to the Clerk to the Trustees, Louise Cliffe, at Addleshaw Goddard by email MGSmailbox@addleshawgoddard.com

The Manchester Guardian Society Charitable Trust is a grant making charity based in Manchester, which makes donations to a wide variety of community based organisations in the Greater Manchester area. Most grants awarded are up to £3,500.

Appeals will be considered from registered charities and other community organisations, which provide charitable benefits for communities within Greater Manchester.


The trustees are particularly interested in assisting the following:-

  • Organisations for young people e.g. scouts, guides, youth organisations.
  • Organisations which support sick and disabled people.
  • Groups providing for the elderly and disadvantaged members of society.
  • Educational initiatives by arts organisations, particularly children and young people;
  • Community associations.

The trustees do not normally support:-

  • Individuals;
  • Substitution of statutory funding;
  • Political groups for political purposes;
  • Religious groups for religious purposes.
  • Salary costs.
  • costs.
  • Other funding/grant giving bodies.
  • Core funding for public sector services.
  • The purchase of computer and associated equipment. Applications are welcome from registered charities or small groups which demonstrate charitable aims.

Applications must be made by email using the application form on this website. Please read the application form carefully and complete fully. Failure to do so will void the application.

Only one application will be accepted from an organisation within a two year period.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023