Madagascar Urban Sanitation Project Addendum
Madagascar USAID-Antananarivo
USAID/Madagascar, is announcing the Madagascar Urban Sanitation Project addendum to the Diversifying Partnerships in WASH (DiP-WASH), hereafter known as the DiP-WASH APS.
Through this Urban Sanitation Project addendum, USAID/Madagascar aims to engage eligible partners to expand and amplify the Agency’s work through and with water and sanitation. The overall Agency goal is to support partner countries’ progress on their development trajectories, achieve sustainable and resilient results, and catalyze more effective partnering for impact. This Addendum disseminates information to prospective Applicants so they may develop and submit Concept Notes in response and ultimately to be considered for USAID funding. This Addendum describes and provides:
- The type of activities for which Concept Notes will be considered;
- Available funding, process and requirements for submitting Concept Notes and Full Applications;
- The Criteria for evaluating Concept Notes; and
- Links to relevant documentation and resources for prospective Applicants.