LMS Travel Grants for Early Career Researchers

London Mathematical Society

22 February 2022
13 May 2022
15 October 2022
22 February 2023
15 October 2023
22 February 2024
15 October 2025
R&D and Higher Education
Education, Skills Building and Training Research, Development and Innovation

Objectives: To provide partial travel and/or accommodation support for UK-based Early Career Researchers to attend conferences or undertake research visits either in the UK or overseas.


  • The conference or research visit must take place after the Committee’s decision date. The Society does not award grants retrospectively.
  • The applicant should meet the eligibility criteria described above at the time of the conference/research visit.
  • The conference/research visit must be of benefit to the applicant’s research. -The conference/research visit must not already have funds from an LMS Conference (Scheme 1) Grant to support the attendance of research students. The LMS awards Scheme 1 Grants to conferences based in the UK. You are advised to check with the conference organiser first whether they have received a Scheme 1 Grant, which includes support for research students. . The conference/research visit must not be another LMS event, which already offers support for research students to attend, including but not limited to: LMS Society Meetings, LMS Research Schools, LMS Invited Lecture Series. . The application must not be for a travel grant to attend an ICM or ECM. The Society runs a separate travel grant scheme for attending these congresses and more information can be found here
  • UK-based mathematicians who have been invited to attend the Heidelberg Laureate Forum should apply for a travel grant under this scheme.
  • Applications must be accompanied by a letter of support from, for example. the Head of School/Department, which should cover how the conference/research visit will benefit the applicant and include details about what other funding is available to the applicant. The letter of support will be used when the application is considered by the Committee. Please note that if the letter of support does not specify the availability of funding from other sources then the application would be rejected. . Applications should include full details of the trip, and not just the details of the event for which you are seeking funding from the ECR Travel Grant Scheme.

Value of award:

The maximum award is normally £500 towards actual expenses for travel costs, which can include accommodation and visa costs but not subsistence costs or conference/registration fees.



The applicant should be an Early Career Researcher in mathematics, based in the UK. An Early Career Researcher is defined as a Master’s student, PhD/research student or anyone who has completed their PhD in the last five years (excluding academic career breaks).

The scheme is open to both members and non-members of the LMS. Non-members must have their application countersigned by a member of the society or give details of a current LMS member willing to support the application.

Please note that normally at most one application for a given conference can be funded per department.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
03 November 2023