Joint Research Group

London Mathematical Society

30 September 2022
15 May 2023
30 September 2023
30 September 2023
22 January 2024
30 September 2025
R&D and Higher Education
Education, Skills Building and Training Research, Development and Innovation

Objectives: To provide support to research groups of mathematicians to enable them to engage in collaborative activities through holding regular meetings. Groups should be made up of mathematicians who are working in at least three different locations and who have a common research interest.

Value of award:

  • The maximum award is £3,000 to cover meetings over two years at £1,500 per year (to hold up to four meetings a year - or where there is an equivalent level of activity).
  • Grant applicants can apply for funds to host at least two meetings (or an equivalent level of activity) in a financial year. The Research Grants Committee will no longer require grant holders to hold four meetings per year (though they are still permitted to do so).
  • A grant may be used to support the activities of the group, and normally would be used to cover the expenses of speakers and or participants (eg travel, accommodation, subsistence, caring, online support (e.g. software licences and subscriptions, tech support hardware (where necessary)). NB the grant to support Joint Research Group activities may not be used to pay speakers' honoraria.


Applicants can be any mathematician based in the UK, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands. Applications should be made by a nominated “grant-holder”, who will be responsible for the use of the grant. Applications must have the support of collaborators from at least two further institutions. Non LMS members will need to ask an LMS member to support the application.


At least two of the three (or more) institutions making up the group must be in the UK, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands. There should be genuine involvement from all three (or more) institutions in the group, and the Society normally would expect meetings to be held at each of the institutions in rotation. It is expected that the meetings will be open to all. It is expected that meetings will be advertised to research students and young postdoctoral mathematicians, and that every effort will be made to encourage participation by them. The Committee may ask for exceptionally strong cases to be made where there is geographical and subject overlap between different Scheme 3 applications, or between the Scheme 3 application and an existing research network.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
24 January 2024