Grants for Teacher CPD: Teaching and Learning in HE
London Mathematical Society
The 'Grants for Teacher CPD: Teaching and Learning in HE' scheme is intended to provide partial support for one-day workshops disseminating good practice in teaching undergraduate mathematics . Criteria
- The workshop must be held in the UK, Isle of Man, or Channel Islands.
- The workshop must be open and advertised to attendees from other institutions.
- The scheme is intended to facilitate mathematical professional development to allow lecturers and teachers in HE institutions to, for example,
- Develop their subject knowledge
- Engage in a deeper understanding of how to develop mathematical thinking
- Appreciate the interconnectivity of mathematical topics
- Update themselves on mathematics curriculum reform
- Use technology when and where appropriate.
- The grant is intended to cover workshops specifically related to mathematics and should not be for generic professional development.
- The grant is not intended to cover the cost of secretarial help or publicity.
- The grant may not be used to cover room hire but requests for grants to cover room hire at De Morgan House will be considered, where special circumstances can be shown.
- Applicants must comply with the Society's policy on Women in Mathematics - - please note that the Society considers a lack of invited women speakers to be a very real problem, and a failure to include women speakers are grounds for refusal for funding.
- Additionally, please note the following advice on diversity at conferences/workshops/seminars -
- At most, one grant will be made per person in any financial year. Repeat applications made in future years will be judged more stringently.
- Where appropriate, LMS support should be recognised in publicity material.
- Grants will not be made retrospectively.
Value of award
Applications will be considered for a maximum of £500.
Application deadlines and decision dates
Four rounds of grant applications are considered per year, on a rolling basis. Decisions on applications are made by the LMS Education Committee at the nearest committee meeting held after an application deadline.
Applications for a particular round must be submitted before the deadline for that round.
Applications should be submitted well in advance of the activity or event for which funding is sought, and grants will not be awarded retrospectively. This means applications for funding for events or activities which take place before the decision date in a particular round will not be considered.
The applicant should be a mathematician based in the UK, Isle of Man, or Channel Islands.