Liberia USAID-Monrovia

21 March 2023
For profit
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
Public sector
R&D and Higher Education
Health, Justice and Social Welfare

Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) is critical to achieving USAID and the Government of Liberia’s (GoL) goals for the reduction in maternal and child morbidity and mortality by improving the quality of healthcare services. HSS is also fundamental for supporting country commitments to the Sustainable Development Goals, including target 3.8 that calls for achievement of Universal Health Coverage by ensuring financial risk protection, access to quality data and essential health care services including diagnostics, and access to safe, effective, quality, and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all.

USAID intends to support the MoH in strengthening critical components of the health system to improve access and affordability, thus increasing patient outcomes at all levels. Key to accomplishing this task will be strategic engagement with local stakeholders to devise more efficient solutions to ensure quality and equitable healthcare services. USAID anticipates providing a limited package of technical assistance to the MoH to ensure alignment with national priorities and processes that will inform implementation at the subnational level – counties, districts, and health facilities. An important component of the HSS flagship activity will be supporting efforts to strengthen laboratory systems and health information systems. The LHESS activity will also support health financing reform priorities, including the Liberia Health Equity Fund (LHEF), for increased access to quality health services without undue financial burden to patients.

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20 April 2023