Kenya Inclusive Governance, Accountability, Performance and Participation (Kenya-IGAPP)
Kenya USAID-Nairobi
USAID/KEA welcomes concept papers from Kenya-led, Kenya-managed, Kenya-owned organizations. The Mission anticipates that local in-country organizations will implement both as primes and as sub-awardees, cooperating as part of a consortium or other type of partnership arrangement. Kenya-IGAPP will build new partnerships with county governments and intergovernmental organizations, as well as with Kenyan organizations at the national and local level and other non-traditional partners, few of which have been direct grantees. Kenya-IGAPP encourages coalitions of local organizations, primarily civil society/faith-based/community-based organizations, universities and research organizations, and the private sector where there are shared interests.
In addition, for the following group the criteria below also apply:
● U.S. and Non-U.S. For-Profit Organizations: In accordance with 2 CFR 200.400, potential for-profit applicants should note that USAID policy prohibits the payment of fee/profit to the prime recipient under assistance instruments, and 2 CFR 200.101 states that, unless specifically excluded, all requirements applying to recipients also apply to sub-recipients if they meet the definition of “recipients”; therefore, fee/profit under assistance type awards is also prohibited for sub-recipients. Forgone profit does not qualify as cost-sharing or leveraging.
● If a prime recipient has a subcontract with a for-profit organization for the acquisition of goods or services (i.e., if a buyer-seller relationship is created), fee/profit for the subcontractor may be allowable in accordance with ADS “Profit Under USAID Assistance Instruments” located at the following link -
See additional information below and the attached Annual Program Statement (APS) package