Kenya Digital Health Ecosystem Activity
Kenya USAID-Nairobi
USAID|KEA has developed an RFI in an attempt to reach out to the market in an effort to determine the scope of industry capabilities and interest in Health Ecosystem Activity. The USAID|KEA’s Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) identified five development areas of top priority for Kenya. Inadequate systems are one of the areas impeding Kenya’s inclusive growth and self-reliance. Key health systems, especially health information systems remain vertical and this continues to pose a threat to more comprehensive and accurate reporting. The Government of Kenya (GOK) recognizes the vital role played by information systems in measuring the performance of healthcare delivery and generating data to support program monitoring, planning and evaluation. Therefore, GOK has identified and prioritized Information and Communications Technology (ICT) as a key enabler towards the achievement of Universal Health Coverage (UHC). Over the last decade, GOK and its development partners have made significant investments in the use of technology to improve the access and quality of healthcare delivered to Kenyans. Such investments are manifest in the various Health Information Systems (HIS) deployed across the country, including Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems; Laboratory Information Systems (LIS); Logistics Management Information Systems (LMIS); the Kenya Health Information System (KHIS); the Kenya Master Health Facility List (KMHFL); the Kenya Health and Research Observatory (KHRO); among others.
The details are included in attachment 1 document