Innovations for Reducing Plastics for a Cleaner Environment in India (inREPLACE) Activity.

India USAID-New Delhi

02 March 2023
United States of America
Energy, Climate and Environment

The purpose of the activity is to reduce plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, through improvements in solid waste management and advancing a plastics circular economy in selected regions of India. Through the activity, USAID/India will partner with the Government of India (GOI) to address the plastic pollution challenge by:

(1) improving plastic and solid waste management planning, infrastructure, and services; and

(2) addressing the life cycle impacts of plastics and other materials by promoting a circular economy.

For this three phased NOFO, the applicant is required to leverage 50% of the award amount from other sources, external to the United States Government.


Eligibility for this award is restricted to all United States, local Indian, and International non-governmental organizations.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023