Historic Houses Grant
Historic Houses Foundation
Once you've read through these thoroughly, your next step is to complete the Pre-Application Form, which you can either do online or by post.
We will try to respond to the Pre-Application Form within 28 days of receipt.
If your pre-application is successful, we will contact you to arrange a site visit. We will then confirm whether or not you are invited to submit a full application.
Applications for the HHF grants can be made at anytime.
The minimum grant you can apply for is £1,000, and the maximum is £250,000.
The priorities and criteria for grant aid have been agreed by the Trustees as follows:
The HHF gives grants for
- the repair and conservation of rural historic buildings and structures located in England and Wales, including where appropriate their gardens, grounds and outbuildings, and
-the conservation, maintenance and restoration of works of art and objects of outstanding artistic, scientific and historic interest
We would normally expect your building or structure to be listed, scheduled, or in the case of a garden included in the English Heritage Register of Parks and Gardens. However, we may also make grants to projects that involve an unlisted building in a conservation area which we judge to be of sufficient historic or architectural significance or importance.
Our definition of "rural" includes all buildings and structures in the countryside and other rural buildings which have subsequently been overtaken by, and embedded in, urban and suburban development.
In addition, to qualify for any grant you must be able to show that:
there is a compelling need for the work you want to undertake to be done within the next 2 to 3 years;
the project will enhance our historic environment;
there will be appropriate public access;
there is a financial need for the grant;
the project can proceed within a reasonable time frame (i.e. 1-2 years).
the project is sustainable with a suitable conservation and/or business plan. A grant is unlikely to be awarded without this information.
We aim to make grants for projects which are ready to proceed (i.e. can be started within 1-2 years) but which either do not qualify for funding from any of the mainstream sources or have been awarded only partial funding and require significant further funds to complete the resource package.
We will also consider making grants to "kick start" a project but will expect your other funding to be in place within 1-2 years.
Who can apply for Historic Houses Foundation grants?
The HHF accepts applications for grants from either organisations or private individuals. The applicant must have legal responsibility for the repair of the historic building, its gardens and grounds.
We would normally expect applicants to own the building or estate, or to hold a full repairing lease with not less than 20 years to run. If this is not the case you should be able to demonstrate that you have a legally binding agreement to acquire such a building or estate.