Judith Shrimpton Fund
Herefordshire Community Foundation
Herefordshire Community Foundation supports community-based work with a charitable purpose that improves the quality of life for people in our communities. Our grants support activities which benefit people who are disadvantaged due to poverty, disability, age, location or culture.
Most of our funding is within Herefordshire, but we sometimes support projects in neighbouring countries, and across England and Wales.
Grant size varies from £100 to more than £1000, depending on need.
Who can apply? Organisations in Herefordshire and the West Midlands area, working to relieve needs of people with disabilities of any kind. Individuals may also benefit from the fund, subject to referral from an organisation, or following appropriate enquiry by HCF into their need.
Your group does not have to be a registered charity but must have charitable aims. Organisations set up as Community Interest Companies, or a recognised Social Enterprise must demonstrate that they have clear charitable purposes and that their work has a defined social benefit. We do not give grants for promotion of any religion. However, faith based organisations may still be funded if the grant benefits the wider community and is not intended to influence people’s religious choices or promote a particular belief system. We give priority to small, local organisations whose work benefits people in Herefordshire. However, national charities with a base in the area and a significant local presence can apply if the grant is for the benefit of local people.
Grants will not normally be made to fund the following types of activity: -Animal welfare -Arts projects with no community or charitable element -Direct replacement of statutory funding -Medical research -Political groups or activities promoting political beliefs -Religious groups seeking to influence people’s religious choices -Sports projects with no community or charitable element -General appeals