Joanies fund

Herefordshire Community Foundation

Rolling deadline
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
West Midlands
Arts, Culture and Heritage Health, Justice and Social Welfare

The Trustees meet 3 times each year. Please contact the office for the date of the next meeting.

Supporting Young People.

The Joanies Fund welcomes applications from organisations working with young people aged 0 to 25. It is particularly interested in projects that lead to employment, accreditation, further education, training and integration. It looks for innovation and entrepreneurship. The panel looks for strong evidence of how closely applicants consult young people in developing their service, and for any community involvement or local financial support.

Average grant £3,500

What type of grants does the fund give?

Grants will be given for running costs, both project and core costs, and capital costs.


What it will not fund:

  • National organisations, even if the project is local
  • General appeals
  • Activities which collect funds for subsequent redistribution
  • Individuals
  • Promotion of religion
  • Services run by statutory or public authorities, or that replace statutory funding
  • Minibuses
  • Projects that will have started by the Trust’s deadline for applications (unless ongoing)
  • Animal charities
  • Celebrations
  • Projects based outside the UK

What type of grants does the fund give?

Grants will be given for running costs, both project and core costs, and capital costs.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023