Herefordshire Educational Charity

Herefordshire Community Foundation

Rolling deadline
West Midlands
Education, Skills Building and Training

Herefordshire Community Foundation supports community-based work with a charitable purpose that improves the quality of life for people in our communities. Our grants support activities which benefit people who are disadvantaged due to poverty, disability, age, location or culture.

Open for applications all year: case-by-case basis.

Student bursary applications should be submitted by October of each academic year.

Maximum grant awarded: Grant award size varies.

Student bursary grants are awarded up to £750 p.a.


Who can apply? The Fund supports education for county-based young people under the age of 25, helping to prepare school leavers for the work-place and providing bursaries for students in further or higher education. Students at the Hereford College of Arts or Hereford and Ludlow College should apply for HCF bursaries through their respective college Finance departments.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023