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Heart Research UK

01 September 2022
01 October 2022
10 January 2023
12 January 2024
02 October 2024
13 January 2025
Health, Justice and Social Welfare Research, Development and Innovation

This unique grant gives researchers the opportunity to apply for funding to develop a novel and emerging technology or a new application of an existing technology.

NET grants are research projects which focus on the development of new and innovative technologies to diagnose, treat and prevent heart disease and related conditions. We’ve been awarding these NET grants since 2006.



Research projects with the emphasis on (1) novel and emerging technologies and (2) their application into cardiovascular disease prevention and/or treatment, which can be expected to benefit patients within a foreseeable timeframe, will be considered.

Appropriate approaches include tissue and bioengineering, the development and evaluation of new diagnostic devices, bio imaging, nanotechnology, biomaterials, genomic, and proteomic approaches, computational biology and bioinformatics.

Funding clinical trials through the NET Grant scheme is not appropriate. However, research projects incorporating a small scale clinical study to demonstrate the feasibility of the technology will be considered, providing that the clinical study is not the main focus of the research programme. Projects that are more specifically clinically focused should be directed to the Translational Research Project (TRP) grants scheme.

For example, the grant may support emerging strategies/ technologies in the management of risk factors, the evaluation of invasive cardiology procedures (eg angioplasty and stent replacement), and evaluation of new surgical approaches to cardiovascular disease, strategies aimed at improving the efficacy of ventricle assist and other devices, and the outcomes of resuscitation after cardiac arrest.

A multidisciplinary approach is encouraged. Proposals should be based on excellent science and also clearly describe the future clinical implications and the translational strategy.

Please note that from 2021, Heart Research UK is introducing a dedicated PhD studentship scheme and therefore studentships can no longer be applied for as part of a NET Grant.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
02 November 2024