National Maternal and Child Health Data Resource Center
Health Resources and Services Administration
This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding for the National Maternal and Child Health Data Resource Center (DRC). The purpose of the DRC is to support Title V Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Services Block Grant programs, hereafter referred to as Title V programs, and other MCH partners in accessing and effectively utilizing national and state-level National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) data to inform policy and practice. Additionally, the purpose of the DRC is to support broad access to and utilization of the NSCH data through an easy-to-use web platform which provides a user-defined query system for point-and-click access to state and national estimates, curated data files for analyses, maps, and methodological documents designed for a wide audience. These resources are complemented by technical assistance (TA) as requested by Title V programs 1 and other MCH partners. The program goals are to: • Increase the use of NSCH data by Title V programs and other MCH partners. • Increase the use of NSCH data to assess health disparities. Core objectives to support program goals are to be accomplished during the period of performance include: 1. Annually, provide targeted TA on NSCH data use to at least 15 Title V programs who are using the NSCH to inform their needs assessments. 2. Annually, increase the use of all publically available DRC digital resources and data query by at least 5% from prior year reported use, as measured by unique users and page views. 3. Annually, collaborate with relevant MCHB-funded resource and TA centers to conduct at least one targeted communication effort to disseminate the DRC’s NSCH resources to Title V programs and other MCH partners. 4. By 2028, expand the capacity of the DRC data query to view key indicators of child health across multiple years of data in order to facilitate access to trend data. 5. By 2028, develop at least 2 new DRC query indicators, pertaining to health equity and/or social determinants of health to incorporate in the DRC data query along with relevant supporting materials. For additional details on program requirements and expectations to support the program goals and objectives, see Program Requirements and Expectations.
Any domestic public or private entity, including an Indian tribe or tribal organization (as those terms are defined at 25 U.S.C. § 5304 (formerly cited as 25 U.S.C. § 450b)), is eligible to apply. See 42 CFR § 51a.3(a). Domestic faith-based and community-based organizations are eligible to apply.