Maternal Health Research Collaborative for Minority-Serving Institutions (MH-RC-MSI) Coordinating Center (CC)

Health Resources and Services Administration

12 June 2023
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
Public sector
R&D and Higher Education
Health, Justice and Social Welfare Research, Development and Innovation

This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under HRSA-23-112: Maternal Health Research Collaborative for Minority-Serving Institutions (MH-RC-MSI) Research Centers (RCs) and HRSA-23-113: MH-RC-MSI Coordinating Center (CC).The purpose of the Maternal Health Research Collaborative for Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs)3 [hereafter referred to as the Collaborative] is to establish a multi-institutional research network that is comprised of and supports minority-serving institutions (MSIs) to build their capacity to conduct research addressing disparities in maternal mortality, severe maternal morbidity, and maternal health outcomes and to find community-based solutions to address these disparities and advance health equity. The Collaborative consists of two funding announcements. • HRSA-23-112: MH-RC-MSI (RCs) will build the capacity of MSIs to conduct maternal health disparity research. • HRSA-23-113: MH-RC-MSI (CC) will provide technical assistance and other support to the RCs to help them build their institution’s research capacity in maternal health disparity research. HRSA-23-113: MH-RC-MSI (CC) The goal of HRSA-23-113 is to build the research capacity of the RCs or their partner MSI and other MSIs to conduct maternal health disparity research. The award recipient will also provide support in meeting the RCs’ project objectives. The CC will collect data to measure and evaluate the Collaborative’s impact and effectiveness, and enhance the RCs’ productivity, efficiency, and public health impact. The following objectives should be accomplished by the end of the period of performance: 1. Develop training materials, tools, and toolkits to enhance the capacity of the RCs to conduct maternal health disparity research. 2. Convene and support a learning community of MSIs to conduct maternal health disparity research, promote scientific collaborations, and build synergy among MSIs. 3. Establish a data infrastructure to collect and share data across the RCs. 4. Increase the number of diverse, early-stage investigators from underserved communities trained in maternal health disparity research. 5. Disseminate research findings from RCs to communities, policymakers, researchers, and other stakeholders. 6. Develop strategies and tools to accelerate and translate the research into practice with a focus on addressing health disparities and equity in communities. 7. Evaluate the overall impact of the Collaborative on achieving its goal to build MSI capacity to reduce maternal health disparities. For more details, see Program Requirements and Expectations.


Eligibility is limited to public or non-profit institutions of higher learning and public or private non-profit agencies engaged in research or in programs relating to maternal and child health and/or services for children with special health care needs. See 42 CFR 51a.3 (b). Faith-based and community-based organizations, tribes, and tribal organizations are eligible to apply. MSIs are especially encouraged to apply to this opportunity; non-MSI applicants are expected to partner with an MSI. Non-profit applicants are required to submit proof of non-profit status as Attachment 4. A foreign applicant will need to be affiliated with a U.S. entity (i.e., university, institution) with a U.S. EIN established and recognized by HRSA to be considered a public or nonprofit institution of higher learning or a public or private nonprofit agency.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
02 June 2023