Health Center Program School-Based Service Expansion
Health Resources and Services Administration
This notice announces the opportunity for current Health Center Program award recipients to apply for funding under the FY 2023 Health Center Program School-Based Service Expansion (SBSE). The purpose of SBSE funding is to expand access to primary health care services, including mental health services, through Health Center Program award recipients’ new and/or existing service delivery sites located at or on the grounds of schools.1 For the purpose of this NOFO, such sites are referred to as school-based service sites. Health centers can use SBSE funding to establish their first school-based service site. Health centers may also choose to expand mental health and other primary health care services by adding a new school-based service site to their Health Center Program scope of project, expanding services at an existing school-based service site, or both. For more details, see Program Requirements and Expectations.
Eligible applicants must: Be a Health Center Program award recipient9 with an active H80 grant award. Propose to operate a new school-based service site in your health centers current service area or currently operate a school-based service site, as evidenced by:o School Commitment Documentation signed by school or school district officials specifying support for each proposed new or existing school-based service site.o Form 5B: Service Sites indicates school site setting for each proposed new or existing school-based service site. Propose new and/or expanded services at one or more school-based service sites. If you do not already provide mental health services at each proposed school-based service site, you must propose to expand mental health services (in-person or virtual visit) at each proposed school-based service site.