Golden Field Office
The Schools & Nonprofits program within the Office of State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP) intends to issue a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), Renew America’s Nonprofits, to decrease energy use and utility costs, reduce carbon emissions, and redirect savings to mission-critical services for nonprofit organizations across America.
DOE intends to use an aggregation model to implement the Energy Efficiency for Nonprofits program. This approach will enable partners within the nonprofit community to provide technical and administrative support for retrofit projects while maximizing equitable impacts. The goal of this model is to encourage innovative program models and support strong localized engagement while mobilizing funding quickly and activating local workforces to improve the buildings of diverse nonprofits across America.
DOE will encourage nonprofit 501(c)(3) applicants interested in serving as “Prime Recipients” to assemble a portfolio of nonprofit buildings in need of energy efficiency upgrades. Each portfolio should demonstrate significant energy and cost savings, emissions reductions potential, compelling cost effectiveness, and alignment with the Justice 40 (J40) Initiative goals. Recipients will subaward up to $200,000 for individual energy efficiency projects in nonprofit buildings owned and operated by 501(c)(3) organizations (e.g., 25 energy efficiency projects at an average of $150,000/project equals a $3,750,000 project portfolio).
This is a Notice of Intent (NOI) only. SCEP may issue a FOA as described here, may issue a FOA that is significantly different than the FOA described herein, or may not issue a FOA at all. This NOI is issued so that interested parties are aware of SCEP’s intention to issue this FOA in the near term. All information contained in this Notice is subject to change. SCEP will not respond to questions concerning this Notice. Once the FOA has been released, SCEP will provide an avenue for potential Applicants to submit questions.
DOE is compiling a “Teaming Partner List” to facilitate the formation of new project teams for this FOA. The Teaming Partner List allows organizations who may wish to participate on an application to express their interest to other applicants and to explore potential partnerships.