Neighbourhood Environment Improvement Fund

Gloucester City Council

Rolling deadline
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
South West
Health, Justice and Social Welfare Transport, Infrastructure and ICT

The Scheme:

The Neighbourhood Environment Improvement Fund provides grants to support the enhancement of City Council managed parks and open spaces.

Types of projects considered:

Grants can be provided for:

  • the enhancement of infrastructure
  • additional facilities
  • environmental improvements
  • interpretation and information
  • access

Applications for projects related to sport or play facilities, or routine grounds maintenance, will not be considered. Grants will not be awarded retrospectively.

Please note some projects may require planning consent - for further information consult Gloucester City Council’s Development Management team (01452 396 396). If permission is required, consent should be secured before a grant application is made.

Grant limits:

Each grant application will be considered on its merits. Generally, a single application should not exceed £3,000, but a larger project may be supported if it is considered that it will deliver exceptional benefit. Contributions towards larger projects in the form of match funding may also be considered.

Community groups will only be eligible to receive one grant during the lifetime of the scheme.

Grants are only available to support projects on City Council owned parks and open spaces. (see the current Open Spaces Strategy for location of parks and open spaces).

Decision Process:

Applications will be considered by a panel, which will meet on a six-weekly basis. Applications can be made at any time and will be reviewed at the next available panel meeting. Officers may request further information, or a site visit, if necessary. Applicants will be informed of the decision of the panel in writing. We will aim to inform applicants of the outcome of their application within six weeks.

Where a grant is awarded an acceptance form will be forwarded to the successful applicant for signing. No works should commence until the grant administrator has confirmed receipt of this completed acceptance form.


Who can apply?

The fund is open to applications from ward members and community groups.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023