Fulbright Specialist Program
Fulbright Germany
The Fulbright Specialist Program offers grant periods of up to six weeks for U.S. scholars at German host institutions in order to advance mutual understanding, to establish long-term cooperation, and to create opportunities for institutional linkages.
A Fulbright Specialist grant should include opportunities to collaborate with professional counterparts on curriculum and faculty development, institutional planning and a variety of other activities. For example, Fulbright Specialists may:
- Conduct needs assessments, surveys, institutional or program research
- Take part in specialized academic programs and conferences
- Consult with administrators and instructors from post-secondary institutions on faculty development
- Present lectures at graduate and undergraduate levels
- Participate in or lead seminars or workshops
- Develop and/or assess academic curricula or educational materials
- Conduct teacher-training programs at the tertiary level
Applications will be accepted for Fulbright Specialists in the following fields:
- Agriculture
- American (U.S.) Studies
- Anthropology
- Archaeology
- Biology Education
- Business Administration
- Chemistry Education
- Communications and Journalism
- Computer Science and Information Technology
- Economics
- Education
- Engineering Education
- Environmental Science
- Law
- Library Science
- Math Education
- Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies
- Physics Education
- Political Science
- Public Administration
- Public/Global Health
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Urban Planning
Preference will be given to projects that:
- involve more than one department/unit at the inviting host institution and/or
- are interdisciplinary in nature and/or
- help develop institutional strategies at the host institution and/or
- involve community stakeholders outside the host institution and/or
- promote academic innovation.
Fulbright Germany can offer up to 5 Fulbright Specialist grants per calendar year.
A Fulbright Specialist grant may be funded for anywhere between 14 and 42 days, including travel days. Fulbright Germany will give preference to projects for the maximum program length of 42 days. The stay in Germany should be uninterrupted as it cannot be split up into several periods.
The Fulbright Specialist Program is open to qualified U.S. scholars and professionals in the fields listed above.
Inviting institutions can be:
Institutions of Higher Education
Government Institutions (ministries or agencies, courts, parliamentary or congressional bodies)
Cultural Institutions (conservatories, museums, etc.)
Medical Institutions (public health organizations, teaching hospitals, etc.)
Non-Governmental Organizations including non-partisan, issue-centered institutions and think tanks
Inviting institutions can identify any qualified U.S. Scholar (a name request). This person will have to go through a screening process for final eligibility.
Institutions can also select a candidate from the existing Specialist Roster (a list with pre-approved scholars). These "Roster" scholars do not have to go through another screening process.
- U.S. citizen at the time of application. Permanent resident status is not sufficient.
- A PhD or equivalent professional/terminal degree at the time of application. For professionals and artists outside academia, recognized professional standing and substantial professional accomplishments are required.
- Persons residing abroad for five or more consecutive years in the six-year period preceding the date of application are ineligible. Residing abroad is defined as living outside the United States for nine months or more during a calendar year. Duty abroad in the U.S. Armed Forces is not considered disqualifying within the meaning of this section.
- Disclosure of prior conviction or current indictment for commission of a felony. Prior conviction or current indictment may result in disqualification.
Applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or physical impairment. Grants awarded will include international travel and per diem. Costs for lodging, meals, and in-country transportation must be covered by the host institution.
German institutions interested in hosting a Fulbright Specialist will need to apply directly to World Learning via this website: https://worldlearning-community.force.com/FSPHost
Prospective host institutions will need to register on the website and obtain a username in order to complete the application via the World Learning portal. Please contact World Learning directly with any questions regarding the host institution application on the World Learning portal: fulbrightspecialist@worldlearning.org
For the next Fall/Winter Term (“Wintersemester”), applications must be submitted via the World Learning portal by May 15.
For the next Spring/Summer Term (“Sommersemester”), applications must be submitted via the World Learning portal by November 30.