Foux Foundation Grant
Foux Foundation
Foux Foundation is a private charitable foundation that was set up in 2015 by members of the Foux family.
The foundation is focused on helping in the areas of: health, education, youth opportunity and poverty.
Living across three different continents, the trustees take a global approach and are keen to support the appropriate organisations regardless of location. Foux Foundation was named after Cyril and Leila Foux – it was founded with their capital and run by their grandchildren. Throughout their lives, Cyril and Leila were always incredibly generous to friends, family and strangers alike.
The Foundation is their legacy.
WHAT WE FUND: Criteria
Income of less than £3m per annum
Must be a registered charity
No length of track record is required (although viability of your organisation and team to deliver the proposal will be assessed)
Any geographical location
Areas of focus
The relief of sickness and promotion of good health
The advancement of education
The advancement of disadvantaged young people
The prevention or relief of poverty