Kilgallioch Community Fund

Foundation Scotland

07 February 2022
20 June 2022
17 October 2022
06 February 2023
12 June 2023
16 October 2023
10 June 2024
14 October 2024
£500 - £20,000
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
Ayrshire & Arran
Glasgow & Clyde
Arts, Culture and Heritage Health, Justice and Social Welfare

Area: Dumfries and Galloway South Ayrshire

Application deadline (Standard Grants, Stage 1 & Stage 2 Large Grants): 12th February 2024 Decisions by: Mid April Application deadline (Standard Grants, Stage 1 & Stage 2 Large Grants): 10th June 2024 Decisions by: Mid August Application deadline (Standard Grants, Stage 1 & Stage 2 Large Grants): 14th October 2024 Decisions by: Mid December

About this fund:

The Kilgallioch Community Fund is part of the Kilgallioch Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund, which is provided by ScottishPower Renewables, from their Kilgallioch Windfarm.

Grant Size:

  • Standard grants from £500-£20,000
  • Large grants from £20,000

About this fund:

The Kilgallioch Community Fund is part of the Kilgallioch Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund, which is provided by ScottishPower Renewables, from their Kilgallioch Windfarm.

Approximately £1.2 million is available each year. Of this, 15% per community is distributed directly to Old Luce, New Luce, Kirkcowan and Barrhill for projects in those communities. 40% or around £475,000 is made available across the whole area of benefit, via this Kilgallioch Community Fund. Grant sizes are £500 - £20,000 (Standard Grants) and £20,000+ (Large Grants) which is a two stage process. Projects seeking a Large Grant can also ask for up to £5,000 to support the development of their Stage 2 project and this is awarded at the time of a successful Stage 1 application.

Kilgallioch Community Fund awards can support a wide range of costs and activities. Groups seeking to undertake capital projects in respect of land or assets (e.g. village halls, community spaces) must either own the property or have a minimum ten-year lease. Due to high demand on the fund, ongoing running costs, although eligible, are less likely to be supported, as the Board will prioritise support for one-off or new projects. Priority will also be given to groups that have not previously been funded. Standard Grant holders must be able to spend their grant within 12 months of an award.

Development Grants can only be used for costs associated with developing a project further ahead of making a Stage 2 Large Grant application. Development costs could include items for capital projects such as architect’s drawings, production of business plans, surveyor’s fees, feasibility studies or options appraisals; or costs associated with developing a service or activity such as bringing in consultants to provide specialised advice, running a pilot, or carrying out a consultation to inform your Stage 2 bid. This list is not exhaustive – if you are not sure about whether your development cost is eligible for support, please contact Foundation Scotland for advice. The fund’s standard exclusion criteria also apply.

Purpose of this fund:

Kilgallioch Community Fund will support community-led charitable activities that support the rural regeneration and sustainability of communities in Wigtownshire and South Carrick. Approximately £475,000 is available for distribution each year.

Priority will also be given to applications that address one or more of the following aims:

  • Engage and empower young people, increase employment opportunities for young people and/or attract young families to the area
  • Reduce poverty and disadvantage
  • Improve connectivity, including transport, access to services and opportunities
  • Improve quality of life, health and well-being
  • Build capacity for local groups and promote community spirit
  • Build sustainable community assets, including capital assets.
  • Promote, protect and celebrate natural and cultural heritage

Additional criteria:

As well as demonstrating a fit with the aims outlined above, priority for awards may be given to projects that address the following additional criteria:

  • Community engagement and consultation: That the applicant can demonstrate effective involvement of local people and/or people who will benefit from the project in the design and delivery of the project.
  • Leverage or match funding: That the applicant is seeking to secure match funding for the project (from local fundraising activity or other sources) and/or can demonstrate what other funding may be secured as a result of implementing this particular project.
  • Local procurement: That local suppliers of goods and services will be used, where appropriate (e.g., in terms of quality of products/services available) and feasible (in terms of availability and cost). The definition of ‘local’ will vary depending on the goods/services in question. In some cases, it could be taken to mean within the Area of Benefit but in others, the South of Scotland might be most appropriate.
  • Sustainability: That organisations can demonstrate their plans for the project to become sustainable in the future without the need to rely on grant funding.
  • Building community capacity: That the applicant has considered whether the project provides opportunities to build the skills and knowledge of group members or other people connected with the project.
  • Partnership working: Where appropriate, that the applicant has considered whether delivering their project in partnership with other organisations/groups will add value (financial, capability, or other). This could involve working with voluntary, private or public sector bodies that operate at local, regional or national level.

Who can apply?

Proposals must be for projects or activities consistent with the overall priorities and criteria of Kilgallioch Community Fund.

We cannot fund the following:

  • Non constituted groups.
  • Applications from individuals. However, individuals may be able to apply for funding under any micro-grant scheme associated with a fund, or under some education and training funds.
  • General fundraising appeals or activities.
  • Trips abroad (unless otherwise stated on the fund page).
  • Costs already incurred or activities which will take place before we’ve decided on an application, i.e. retrospective funding.
  • The repayment of loans or payment of debts.
  • The advancement of religion or politics, including requests to support religious or political groups' core activities. However, religious groups may apply for funding for non-religious activity that will benefit the wider community beyond their own specific congregation and is open to all on a non-denominational basis. For example, a church may apply for funding to upgrade a church hall that is regularly used by other community groups.
  • Payments towards areas understood to be the exclusive responsibility of statutory authorities. However, we can provide grants to Parent Teacher Associations/Parent Councils if they are appropriately constituted and occasionally to schools where the activity being delivered is additional to the core curriculum/statutory activity.
  • Activities that are likely to bring the fund, Foundation Scotland or the donor into disrepute. For example, we can’t fund groups or organisations using hate speech or inciting violence, or those linked to such groups or organisations.
  • Activities that conflict with the interests of the funder. For example, where a renewable energy company provides funding, we can’t fund any projects or organisations that are anti-windfarm or anti-renewable energy as such activities are likely to be contrary to the interests of the funder or its subsidiaries.
  • For place-based funds, we can’t support projects which don't benefit the people who live within the defined fund area. Projects that benefit people in the fund area plus others outside that area can be supported on a proportionate basis. Applicants to these funds don’t need to be based in the fund area.
  • For themed/cause-related funds we can’t support projects which don’t relate to the priorities stated for the fund.
  • Costs directly related to the sale of alcohol, including but not limited to the refurbishment of a bar area
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 February 2024