McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program

Foreign Agricultural Service

28 April 2023
Organizational Support and Development

The principal objectives of the McGovern-Dole Program are to carry out: 1) preschool and school food for education programs in foreign countries to improve food security, reduce the incidence of hunger, and improve literacy and primary education, particularly with respect to girls; and 2) maternal, infant, and child nutrition programs for pregnant women, nursing mothers, infants, and children who are five years of age or younger.

Funding Opportunity Numbers by Priority Country. (Refer to Appendix B - Country Guidance for more information)

USDA-FAS-10.608-0700-23-(510) Cameroon

USDA-FAS-10.608-0700-23-(124) Haiti

USDA-FAS-10.608-0700-23-(558) Mozambique

USDA-FAS-10.608-0700-23-(646) Nepal

USDA-FAS-10.608-0700-23-(130) Nicaragua

USDA-FAS-10.608-0700-23-(688) Sri Lanka

USDA-FAS-10.608-0700-23-(578) Togo

USDA-FAS-10.608-0700-23-(000) Non-priority country applications

The Related Documents tab has the full announcement, details on how to apply, instructions on accessing the Food Aid Information System, weekly responses to questions, and other important information.


See Section C of the funding opportunity announcement for eligibility Information.Private Voluntary Organizations (see 7 CFR section 1599.2 for the definition of a private voluntary organization); Cooperatives; Intergovernmental Organizations; Governments of developing countries and their agencies; andOther organizations.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
25 April 2023