SNAP Employment and Training National Partnership Grants 2023

Food and Nutrition Service

10 July 2023
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
Community Development

Key Objectives:

  1. Expand the number of skill-based, employer-driven SNAP E&T providers that move SNAP participants toward economic self-sufficiency.
  2. Create new capacity to provide technical assistance though activities such as, but not limited to, organizing conferences and meetings; developing and supporting peer-to-peer learning networks; creating technical assistance materials such as toolkits, checklists, and curriculum; promoting best practices by hosting webinars and site visits; and providing professional development opportunities for member or affiliate staff.
  3. Provide technical assistance on SNAP E&T to member or affiliate organizations so they can become SNAP E&T third-party providers. Technical assistance should cover increasingly more complex issues over the life of the grant and/or be provided to additional member or affiliate organizations.
  4. Increase expertise on SNAP E&T among member and affiliate organizations so that they can become third-party SNAP E&T providers.

The entities eligible to receive grants under this competition are non-profit national organizations with broad, geographically diverse member or affiliate networks that provide direct workforce development services to low-income and low-skilled individuals, including SNAP participants. Eligible entities must have at least thirty geographically diverse member or affiliate organizations. To be considered geographically diverse, applicants must have member or affiliate organizations in two or more FNS Regions. All non-profit organizations must include their 501(c)(3) determination letter issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Additionally, applicants must provide a clear description of how many geographically diverse members they have and where they are located, or whether they have affiliate organizations in two or more FNS Regions. This information should be clearly conveyed on the first page of the proposal. Entities not meeting the eligibility definitions will be deemed ineligible and removed from competition without further consideration.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023