Food and Nutrition Service

26 June 2023
Public sector
Community Development Research, Development and Innovation

Program Description (Section I)

Section 17(n) of the Act authorizes FNS to provide grants on a competitive basis to State agencies that participate in the SNAP LDP. Up to $5 million in grant funding is available in FY 2023 to support State participation. The intent of this grant is to support State participation in the SNAP LDP. There are a variety of ways States may participate that range in level of effort including, but not limited to, the transmission of data to Census for longitudinal research overtime and across State lines, support for State longitudinal research efforts and partnerships to achieve those, and development of internal State databases for longitudinal research that transmit data to Census as well. Each State will decide what level of effort is best for them and may request grant funds necessary to support participation. Technology and data related projects often take more than one year, especially when taking into consideration the procurement and implementation of associated projects.

Therefore, this funding is available as a multi-year grant with a performance period (PoP) of up to four years between August 2023 to September 2027.

States that applied but were not selected for a SNAP LDP grant in prior years are strongly encouraged to apply for the FY 2023 grants. States that received grant funding for prior LDP grants may reapply for FY 2023 funding for a new project or addition to a current project. FY 23 grant funds may not be used for an existing grant project and this distinction must be clear in the proposal. Examples may include States who previously requested funds to send data to Census may decide to build an internal database or States


Eligible Applicants This grant opportunity is open to the 53 State agencies that administer SNAP. FNS will consider only one application per State agency. To be eligible, the SNAP administering agencies must have the capacity to provide, on a periodic and ongoing basis, household and participant data derived from their eligibility system and other data sources of the State. Applications for consideration must align with the stated program objectives. Funds from this RFA may not be used to offset costs for existing personnel who are completing activities unrelated to this grant, i.e., the percentage of staff costs attributed to this project must be properly allocated.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
28 April 2023