FY23 School Foodservice Workforce

Food and Nutrition Service

21 August 2023
Community Development
Research, Development and Innovation Social Sciences

This Request for Applications (RFA) announces the availability of funds for a cooperative agreement. This funding opportunity will support research projects to better understand and generate information related to the school foodservice workforce focused on dimensions such as worker satisfaction, workforce experience, and training and development. Relevant research activities may include, but are not limited to providing information on career pathways for the school foodservice workforce, including training and skill-building opportunities, promotion potential, and tenure/retention within individual employers and the industry as a whole; identifying skills used on the job by role, including analysis of transferability of skills to other industries; identifying level of worker satisfaction and describe workplace conditions (perception and objective measures); and examining how any of the above vary across roles, demographics, school/school food authority (SFA) characteristics, and geography.


This Request for Applications (RFA) is open to all accredited institutions of higher education (colleges/universities), nonprofit research entities and other nonprofit organizations with documented experience in public health research and communications. Nonprofit organizations must have documented 501(c)(3) status.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
24 June 2023