FY23 Review of Produce Safety University
Food and Nutrition Service
The purpose of the Review of the Produce Safety University Cooperative Agreement is to select one organization to evaluate the Produce Safety University (PSU) course developed by USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) in collaboration with USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS). PSU is a week-long train-the-trainer immersion course that is typically held five times each year in the late spring and summer months. The course immerses child nutrition professionals in the fresh produce supply chain. Participants learn to identify and manage food safety risks associated with fresh produce whether it’s purchased from farmers or distributors, received whole or fresh-cut, or grown in a school garden. The curriculum covers all aspects of the fresh produce supply chain from growing and harvesting to storage and preparation through a combination of lecture, laboratory, and field-trip instruction.
FNS seeks to enter into a cooperative agreement for up to $600,000.00 with a selected applicant capable of evaluating the PSU course, the effectiveness of its curriculum, and determining the impact of PSU graduates. Eligible entities include public and state controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; and nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), other than institutions of higher education; all non-profit organizations must include their 501(c)(3) determination letter issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). To be eligible, the entities stated above must demonstrate successful completion of rigorous research through publication of research in peer-reviewed journals.
Eligible entities must demonstrate successful completion of rigorous research through publication of research in peer-reviewed journals.