Affordable Connectivity Outreach Grant Program - Pilot Program Grants
Federal Communications Commission
The FCC issues this NOFO to describe the requirements under which it will award grants forYHYI and NPP participants (collectively, Pilot Program Outreach Grants). A separate NOFOhas been issued for NCOP and TCOP.The ACP Outreach Grant Program is one tool among a comprehensive set of measuresauthorized by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 (Infrastructure Act) andimplemented by the FCC to help bridge the digital divide. The ACP Outreach Grant Programwill help increase awareness of and participation in the ACP among eligible households. ThePilot Program Outreach Grants provide new federal funding for the FCC to grant eligiblegovernmental entities and third-party organizations with the funding and resources needed toincrease awareness of and participation in the ACP among those households most in need ofaffordable connectivity. See Section IV - Program Description of this NOFO for the fullprogram description.