Information, consultation & participation of representatives of undertakings

European Comission

10 January 2023
16 March 2023
For profit
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
Public sector
R&D and Higher Education
Community Development

ExpectedOutcome :

This call relates to Principle 8 of the European Pillar of Social Rights “Social dialogue and involvement of workers”, particularly its para (b) “Workers or their representatives have the right to be informed and consulted in good time on matters relevant to them, in particular on the transfer, restructuring and merger of undertakings and on collective redundancies”. The main priority for the financial year 2023 is to promote actions aimed at developing employees involvement in undertakings in particular by raising awareness and contributing to the application of European Union law and policies in this area and the take-up and development of European Works Councils. This call also aims at supporting projects which seek to identify and address challenges in involving workers resulting from changes in the world of work.

Scope :

Promoting actions designed to facilitate the implementation of EU Directives 2002/14, 2001/23, 2009/38, 2001/86, 2003/72, 98/59 and 2001/23 on employee involvement at national and European levels

  1. Eligible countries : as described in the Call document.

EU Member States and in some cases from the European Economic Area (EEA) countries, in accordance with the EEA Agreement.

  1. Eligibility and admissibility conditions: as described in the Call document.

Applications must be submitted before the call deadline and electronically via the Funding & Tenders Portal Electronic Submission System. Paper submissions are NOT possible.

Applications (including annexes and supporting documents) must be submitted using the forms provided inside the Submission System.

Applications must be complete and contain:

  • Application Form (Part A)

  • Application Form (Part B)

  • Annexes and supporting documents (to be uploaded as PDF files).

At proposal submission, the lead applicant will have to confirm that it has the mandate to act for all applicants; that the information in the application is correct and complete and that the participants comply with the conditions for receiving EU funding (especially eligibility, financial and operational capacity, exclusion, etc). Before signing the grant, each beneficiaries and affiliated entities will have to confirm this again by signing a declaration of honour (DoH).

Applications must be readable , accessible and printable, not exceeding [70] pages .

  1. Evaluation: as described in the Call document. The award criteria for this call are as follows:
  • Relevance:

  • Quality:

  • Impact:

  1. Indicative timetable for evaluation and grant agreement: as described in the Call document.

To be completed on call-by-call basis.

  1. Proposal templates, guidance and model grant agreements (MGA):

Standard proposal template af_esf-socpl_en.pdf (europa.eu) Call document https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/docs/2021-2027/socpl/wp-call/2023/call-fiche_socpl-2023-info-repr_en.pdf Mono/Multi-beneficiary Model Grant Agreement

general-mga_esf-socpl_en.pdf (europa.eu)

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023