FY23 and FY24 Region 1 Wetland Program Development Grants

Environmental Protection Agency

22 November 2023
Energy, Climate and Environment
Research, Development and Innovation Natural Sciences

The goals of EPA’s wetland program include increasing the quantity and quality of wetlands in the U.S. by conserving and restoring wetland acreage and improving wetland condition. In pursuing these goals, EPA seeks to develop the capacity of all levels of government to develop and/or refine effective, comprehensive programs for wetland protection and management. In addition to developing and/or refining wetland protection and management programs, EPA seeks to build wetlands programs to incorporate climate change and environmental justice considerations as described in Section I.C.2.a: Climate Change and Section 1.C.2.b: Justice40 (J40) of this announcement on the program’s National Priorities.


See Section III of the funding opportunity announcement for eligibility information.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
29 August 2023