FY 2022 Training and Technical Assistance to Improve Water Quality and Enable Small Public Water Systems to Provide Safe Drinking Water
Environmental Protection Agency
EPA is seeking applications from organizations with a demonstrable history of providing effective, results-oriented technical assistance to public water systems. The Agency’s priorities include maximizing funds to provide significant benefit to drinking water systems in communities of need; tackling the climate crisis; and advancing environmental justice and equity. EPA believes this funding plays a significant role to ensure continued access to resources to support infrastructure improvements that protect public health, safeguard the environment, and mitigate environmental justice concerns at the public water system.
It is anticipated that approximately one to five cooperative agreements will be awarded in National Priority Area 1, and one to two cooperative agreements will be awarded in each of the National Priority Areas 2 and 3, respectively, as described in Section I.B of the RFA.
Please see Section III of the announcement for eligibility information.