
Enterprise Ireland

Rolling deadline
For profit
Public sector
R&D and Higher Education
Energy, Climate and Environment

A GreenPlus project is a medium-scale training project facilitated/supported by an external environmental expert. The aim of the project shall be to develop a high level of environmental management capabilities, drive environmental efficiencies and achieve improved sustainability by establishing and embedding continuous improvement systems and behaviours. This will increase the agility and resilience of client companies to climate change impacts.

Eligible activities include developing a comprehensive climate change and sustainability plan and aligning to international standards and frameworks.

In order to support the change process within the company, the grant can also be used to cover part of the salary cost for up to 10 company green project team members over the project duration. The goal of the project team members is to develop and implement environmental best practice within the company by learning themselves and subsequently training others in environmental improvement tools and techniques. The project team members will be responsible for driving continuous environmental improvement and efficiency.

Projects may vary in size and scope but will typically be 12 months in duration.

GreenPlus is is funded under the Climate Planning Fund for Business, which is operating under the Green Transition Fund. The overall objective of which is to accelerate the decarbonisation of Irish enterprise, as part of Ireland’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan, funded by the European Union.

Enterprise Ireland will provide grant funding for 50% of the eligible project costs up to a maximum of €100,000 (€50,000 grant).

Eligible costs include;

  • External Training or Advisory Services provided by a suitable Service provider. Supported daily rates for Training or Advisory Services are capped at €900 per day inclusive of travel and subsistence and all out-of-pocket expenses. Note that actual costs to the company are based on market rates and may be higher.
  • Salary cost of up to 10 company green project team members, up to 50% of the total project cost, subject to a maximum of 100 days each at a maximum supported rate of €200 per day.
  • Training course fees may be approved for specialised external courses that support the project goals. Training courses should be less than 30 days in duration.

For more information including eligible activities, download GreenPlus Assignment Guidelines

All projects supported under the Climate Planning Fund for Business must comply with relevant EU and national environmental legislation and in particular with the ‘Do no significant harm’ Technical Guidance (2021/C58/01).


GreenPlus is open to SME’s and large companies that are Enterprise Ireland clients.

If you are interested in becoming an Enterprise Ireland client, please click here.

HPSU clients in receipt of Enterprise Ireland Investment funding are not eligible for a period of 3 years after the investment.

Discuss with your Development Adviserto check whether it is open to your company.

If you are not a client of Enterprise Ireland and employ less than 10 employees, you should contact your Local Enterprise Office.

There are no call close dates. The process is not competitive and is approved by Enterprise Ireland management.

All applications for funding should be discussed with your Enterprise Ireland Adviser prior to submission.

You can apply via the Enterprise Ireland Online Application System

Prior to applying you must do the following:

  • Contact your assigned Enterprise Ireland Adviser to discuss your application.
  • First time applicants will be required to register on the Online Application System.

If the company has already initiated a GreenPlus project before submitting an application to Enterprise Ireland, the application and associated expenditure will not be accepted.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023