Digital Marketing Capability
Enterprise Ireland
The Digital Marketing Capability support (formerly known as the e-Marketing Improvement Assignment) is a management development support which is facilitated/supported by a digital marketing agency/consultant. The aim is to develop and enhance your company's capability to use digital channels for business development. Eligible activities may include;
- Strategic review of existing digital channels and development of your company's future digital marketing strategy.
- Understanding international best practice, competitive landscape, effective tools and strategies in the area of digital marketing.
- Embedding digital marketing practices and skills in your company by developing the capabilities of senior management.
Please note that web development, software, hardware, or paid advertising costs are not supported under this grant, please read the ‘eligible activities’ section of the Digital Marketing Capability client brochure for more information.
In order to support the change process within the company, this support can also be used to cover part of the salary cost of an internal project champion over the project duration. The goal of this champion is to develop a deeper understanding of Digital Marketing skills and subsequently to train others.
Projects may vary in size and scope but will typically be 8-12 months in duration.
The Digital Marketing Capability support is carried out on a project basis and offers assistance for companies to develop a digital marketing strategy using a digital marketing agency/consultant. This support covers training for senior management in digital marketing strategy development and provides an opportunity to embed digital marketing strategy and capability within your team.
The digital marketing agency/consultant will advise you and help you implement strategic changes and planning with a view to increasing in-house capability and improving your digital presence.
Eligible costs include;
- For a full list of eligible activities please see Digital Marketing Capability client brochure.
- Enterprise Ireland will provide grant funding for 50% of the eligible project costs up to a maximum of €70,000 (€35,000 grant).
- External training or advisory services provided by a suitable digital marketing agency/consultant. Supported daily rates for training or advisory services are capped at €900 per day (subject to prevailing market rate per activity) inclusive of travel and subsistence and all out-of-pocket expenses. Note that actual costs to the company are based on market rates and may be higher.
- Salary cost of an internal ‘project champion’ (management level) up to 50% of the total project cost, subject to a maximum of 100 days at a maximum supported rate of €200 per day. The number of project champion days allowed is aligned to the number of digital marketing agency/consultant days being delivered.
Ideally the Digital Marketing Capability support should be undertaken by established companies that are looking towards developing their digital marketing strategy and capability.
The Digital Marketing Capability is open to SME’s and large companies that are Enterprise Ireland clients.
Discuss with your Development Adviser to check whether you are eligible for this support.
If you are interested in becoming an Enterprise Ireland client company, please click here.