National Farmworker Jobs Program Youth Grants
Employment and Training Administration
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) section 127 requires that when the amount appropriated for WIOA Youth exceeds $925,000,000, the Secretary shall reserve four percent of the excess amount to provide youth workforce investment activities under the National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP). The Program Year (PY) 2022 appropriation was $933 million. Using the calculation for the set-aside designated in WIOA, $325,200 is available for youth activities under NFJP. ETA is using a streamlined application process for these funds limiting the competition to existing NFJP grantees.
These additional funds will enable successful applicants to deliver more of the youth workforce investment activities described in the NFJP regulations at 20 CFR 685.310 to eligible MSFW youth. This funding provides additional resources so that selected NFJP grant recipients can increase access to education and providing career services and training resulting in high-quality, stable employment.
Eligible applicants are current National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP) grant recipients who are serving Migrant Seasonal Farmworker (MSFW) youth.