FY 2023 Transit Worker and Rider Safety Best Practices Research Project
DOT/Federal Transit Administration
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announces the opportunity to apply for up to $500,000 in fiscal year (FY) 2021 funds for a single cooperative agreement for a research project to help transit agencies address operator and rider assaults. The goals of this research project are to identify public safety risks for transit vehicle operators and riders, determine the most effective mitigation strategies to minimize those risks, and promote the implementation of those strategies.
The Transit Worker and Rider Safety Best Practices Research Project will be carried out in two phases.
Phase I: Transit Worker and Rider Safety Best Practices Report.
Phase II: Transit Worker and Rider Safety Pilot Demonstration Project.
This notice will provide funding only for Phase I; thus, applicants should submit proposals to address only Phase I. Eligibility for Phase II is subject to the availability of future funding, quality of the materials developed in Phase I, and merit of the proposed pilot demonstration project developed during Phase I.
To be considered eligible, applicants must be able to demonstrate the requisite legal, financial, and technical capabilities to receive and administer Federal funds under this program. The applicant must be able to carry out the proposed agreement and procurements, if needed, with project partners in compliance with all applicable Federal, state, and local laws. On the application form, eligible applicants are encouraged to identify one or more project partners with a substantial interest and involvement in the project activities or objectives to participate in the implementation of the project. If an application that involves such a partnership is selected for funding, the competitive selection process will be deemed to satisfy the requirement for a competitive procurement under 49 U.S.C. § 5325(a) for the named entities.