FY23 Northeast Corridor IIJA Supplemental Cooperative Agreement to the National Railroad Passenger Corporation

DOT - Federal Railroad Administration

15 June 2023
Research, Development and Innovation Social Sciences
Transport, Infrastructure and ICT

Pursuant to Public Law 117-58 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Nov. 15, 2021) - FY 2023 Supplemental the Federal Railroad Administration is to make available to Amtrak $1,189,000,000 to fund activities related to Northeast Corridor rolling stock acquisition and facilities; on-corridor sole benefit deferred capital work, capital renewal of backlogged projects and activities undertaken to bring Amtrak –served stations into full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act; and other eligible uses of IIJA Supplemental Funding such as use of grant funds as the non-federal share or match for projects on the Northeast Corridor selected for award under 49 U.S.C. 24911(f) after the date of enactment of IIJA. In order to receive these funds, Amtrak must complete the grant application and submit the following items electronically: Application for Federal Assistance SF-424; SF 424B Assurances Non-Construction Programs; SF 424D Assurances Construction Programs; Statement of Work and signed copies of the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration Assurances and Certification forms (http://www.fra.dot.gov/downloads/admin/assurancesandcertifications.pdf).


Amtrak is the only entity eligible to apply.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
02 June 2023